Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Little Girl Lost

Ok, so this one's a little on the downbeat side, but it's therapeutically necessary

The chair rests in the
darkest corner of the
spacious room, either
believed to be her last
leisurely spot or simply
the most useful place to
conceal my soft sobs into
the worn out cushions
The game is one
I’ve grown weary of
at such a tender age
Recalling the usual numbers
I dial, anticipating the usual
responses from those
who know but for the
sake of one so young
would rather not say
Common betrayers
in my mind so betrayed
In a home full of others
who belong to me not
dejectedly, I summon together
All courage I possess
so as not to burden
The custodial ones
Continuing my tiresome
routine I ponder the questions
How she could leave;
I’m only a little girl
Why she would leave;
perhaps I’m too clingy
How long she’ll be gone;
Doesn’t she love me
“Are you ok” asks the
beautiful mom
sweetly smiling I nod my head
such a lovely family
yet one not my own
A tiresome game indeed

1 comment:

  1. love your poems Terri. This one made me cry. Love you and it's great to see what a beautiful woman you have become. Keep posting you for sure are gifted at writing.
